Friday 24 July 2015

Self absorbed

Self/Less struggles with a clunky narrative that only just about manages to hang together: I could almost hear the screenwriter scrabbling through papers to check constantly on narrative integrity. Time travel films do this. So do body swapping story lines. The acting is a bit of stretch too, even dare I say, I think Mr Kingsley slightly hams it up (deliberately?)

Maddie is the most convincing and her screen daughter the most delightful. And yet again, another US film makes the baddie an Englishman: this is a cliché now and for which I probably blame Alan Rickman (!) This is a Sunday afternoon film if you are bored and in need of a quick scifi fix...

This is a very ethical film in that ethics are a critical part of the story: you will only come to understand fully what the title means at the end of the movie. Every day, usually without knowing it, we make dozens of ethical decisions. They may not feel like it, but the impact of what we do, say, buy, not buy, tweet, not tweet etc all have ethical echoes.

The ethics of leadership cannot be underestimated. In my view, it is the responsibility of all leaders to never let a day go by without reflecting on that day's ethical sub text. This means having a vocabulary & framework against which to examine a day's proceedings.

What is your ethical framework?


This is the Blog 106 in my 2014/2015 series of blogs about leadership ideas to be found in the movies of our time. You can read here as why I began doing this (with an update at the end of 2014). Please subscribe to this blog if you want to read more. Thanks. Click the label 'film' to see all the others.

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